Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meet the Waipa Council Candidates evening Tuesday 28th of September

Meet the Waipa Council Candidates evening Tuesday 28th of September

It is obvious by the questions asked from the floor that the community is very concerned with the current spending spree of the outgoing Council.

The problem is if the current batch of Councillors are voted off the alternatives are not good.

Outgoing Mayor A. Livingstone is set on his path with Cox and Jull ready to bulldoze any suggestion to slow down the spending and budget over runs.

Peter Lee although he claims to have seen the light this time around, what has he been doing for the last 6 or more years when he had the opportunity.

Leaving Mr Steve Baron, he has the qualifications, he does have a desire to reduce spending and he wants to communicate on major issues through referenda.  Is he the person to take Waipa into the next 10 years or are we missing out on something these outgoing Council members are spending all that money on. I can tell you one thing, Steve Barron is going to save money and get more bang for our dollar. Current spending is out of control as the Waipa Business needs someone to refocus on quality spend and smarter ways of achieving results.

But who would you pick to be on a Barron lead council? It is obvious that the current councillors are not going to support him but who would benefit the ‘team’?

Vern Wilson may not have been exposed to this kind of organisation before but will have the live experience to cope and stand up to be counted. We need one more but the remaining options are either to inexperienced or just not up with the play. This means either Cox or Jull need to stay on to carry on with some of the knowledge. My guess is Jull but would he want to be there without his support system?

Time will tell, just study these people before you make up your mind.

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